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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Life is like a load of laundry

Life and Laundry have a lot in common.

1. It's never ending
2. Some stains come out and some leave their marks forever as reminders
3. No matter how often we work on it, there is always more to do
4. Washing it is easier than putting it away
5. It doesn't always fit right on a hanger and so it gets shoved in a drawer. In the back.
6. Again, there is always more to do even when you think you are finished.
7. It is impossible to put it all away all the time
8. It can be heavy at times and light at others
9. Everyone uses a different method, detergent, etc. yet the goal is the same.
10. It can be both euphoric and depressing simultaneously

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